We loved working with Wotch Creations to help launch their cool new collectible fidget toy, Smiley-Halves. We devised and produced a series of TV and social ads to showcase the colourful, magnetic balls, and kept costs low by using a small crew and the client’s own children as actors. We followed strict Covid regulations during filming and all children and locations were fully licensed, proving you can still do things properly on a budget. We also handled Clearcast approvals and delivery for broadcast. The resulting ads ran across all UK Nickleodean channels and social feeds.

Martin’s creative direction was exceptional and just what we, as a start up, needed. We can’t recommend Buska Video highly enough.
— Holly Stafford-Smith - Director, Wotch Creations

30 second ad - version A

30 second ad - version B

Behind the scenes. Click to play 20 second version.

Article from Toy World Magazine