Buska Video founder, Martin Gent directed and edited this campaign for Disney’s latest range of Frozen II products whilst Covid restrictions were still in place. The ambitious shoot involved 14 different products, 10 tons of real ice, 1 super-cute 5-year-old and plenty of face masks, hand sanitser and social distancing. The resulting ads and unboxing videos were used across Europe in the run up to Christmas.

Thank you to you and the team! It was a beautifully creative and very fresh campaign.
— David Walton - Director, Brand & Strategy. The Walt Disney Company

30 second commercial

Animating the storyboard prior to the shoot was a huge help when planning camera moves and lighting changes.

Behind the scenes. Click to see how the 10 tons of ice was moved around set.

To achieve a natural ‘wow’ reaction, Martin arranged to open a gift for 5-year-old Olivia while the cameras rolled. Click to watch the results.

One of 7 unboxing videos Martin directed in a single day as part of the same campaign. This one involved spraying silly string directly at the camera - with predictable results!